Stop the crop: Keep Pioneer's GM maize from the fields!
Very soon, the ministers of all EU countries will decide whether Pioneer's GM maize (technical name 1507) will be allowed to be grown in Europe. We are calling on you to take action now!
There are many problems with this GM maize that produces its own insecticides. It could pose risks to butterflies and moths and there has been no research on its impacts to other beneficial insects such as bees and other pollinators. Additionally, the maize is tolerant to a powerful weedkiller (glufosinate-based, such as Liberty) which is classified as highly toxic by the EU. Contrary to EU rules, the required safety assessment linked to the use of this weedkiller has not been done. For more information about Pioneer's maize 1507 read Friends of the Earth Europe's backgrounder.
We are calling on you to write to key countries to help stop this GM maize. These are countries whose opinion matters most in the outcome.
Go now to the action page. And please share this action with your friends by email, on your website, or via social media (Tweet).
Thank you!!
Stop the Crop is a project launched by Corporate Europe Observatory and Friends of the Earth Europe and supported by a broad group of organisations accross Europe.
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