Corporate COP21 Special: a tour of Paris's lobbying hotspots
Join AITEC, ATTAC France, Corporate Europe Observatory, l'Observatoire des Multinationales and the Transnational Institute for a guided 'lobby tour' of Paris's climate criminals, with a special focus on the ongoing UN climate talks in the French capital, COP21.
With information from the new Paris Lobby Planet (Corporate COP21 Special), hear how the dirtiest corporations are lobbying to stop climate action and greenwashing to present fossil fuels or industrial agriculture as solutions to climate change. Also expect to visit other climate criminals, such as international institutions and world governments, all hard at work to maintain business as usual.
Monday 30 November at 11:30 am
*Thursday 3 December at 11:30am*
Monday 7 December at 11:30 am
*Thursday 3 December* Special Pinocchio Climate Awards tour: come face to face with many of this year's Pinocchio Climate Awards nominees, up for the prize of worst lobbying against climate action, worst greenwashing of their polluting business models and worst local impact on communities and their environments. That evening you can join the awards ceremony at the Fleche d'Or from 7pm to find out which corporations scoop the top prize.
To sign-up to any of the tours or for more information, please email cop.lobbytours@corporateeurope.org