The corporate lobby tour
The power of lobbies
Sometimes stories in the news can make you wonder who is really pulling the strings. This 10-minute video exposes the role corporate lobby groups have in EU decision-making – who they are, how they get what they want, and how they affect you, and others like you all over Europe, from the food on your plate, to rules for bankers, to the chemicals allowed in everyday products. Watch, learn, and share! For more information you can also consult our Lobby Planet guide to the Brussels bubble. And get involved!
If you'd like to research the world of corporate lobbying, we have put together a list of free online tools that can help.
Well done!
Zu Reach habe ich aber als an Tierwohl interessierter Bürgerin eine differenzierte Meinung, denn tatsächlich werden dafür wieder hunderttausende Tiere auf entsetzliche Weise ihr Leben lassen müssen.
Anstatt also mittels Tierversuchen zu überprüfen, sollte überhaupt diese ganz Zahl von Giften grundsätzlich reduziert werden und nur tierversuchsfreie Überprüfungsmethoden angewandt werden.
Aber da sind wir natürlich wieder bei den Lobbyisten der entsprechenden Wirtschaftszweige, denne das Wohl von Menschen, Tieren und Umwelt am Allerwertesten vorbei geht
gibt es ein Text-Skript des deutschen Textes?
Jürgen Enders, hispafilm@email.de
This is the overriding issue of our time. Please do what you can to assure a substantial treaty emerges from Lima and then Paris.
Interesting contents. The narrator made me stop listening. Only professional native speakers make the magic happen.
Don't usually like conspiratorial diatribes delivered over apple-esque info-graphics, but this one was surprisingly acute. Not sure which voice the previous post would deem "native" to European audience, but there you have it.
it isn't the European Council decides on EU legislation, but the Council of Ministers(also named the Council of the European Union)
Very well done video!
Where is it possible to retrieve the info regarding the circular draft which states that 70% of the lobbyists are paid by corporates to lobby in their favour? I wasn't aware it was such an important number in comparison to the other lobby groups.
The mp4 video is not visible in FireFox 51.0.1 nor the very popular VLC (2.2.4) on Linux. Can you provide a legal unencumbered format like webm? Or put the footage on a hoster, who supports free and open standards, which allow me to enter the party ;-)
Thanks for reading