"I have the pleasure of informing you that these activities can be authorised as long as you do not deal with affairs with which you have knowledge through your work at DG Tren and which risk being incompatible with the legitimate interests of the institution. In particular, you must abstain from working on or giving advice on any affairs which you worked on yourself or which the service under your responsibilty worked on. This particuarly concerns legislative dossiers or others which remain open".
Hill & Knowlton’s clients include Cathay Pacific, European Express Association, Japan Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, Japan International Transport Institute, and the Port of Rotterdam, all of which are likely to have major interests in the Commission’s transport and energy policies. (Source: EU transparency register)
More information is available in the ALTER-EU report: Block the revolving door - why we need to stop EU officials becoming lobbyists: http://www.alter-eu.org/revolving-doors
Update 18 August 2015: Werring remains at Hill & Knowlton whose current client list includes: Cathay Pacific City Airways, Électricité de France, and Ford. He is also a staff member of the Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP) which contributes to the public debate on international political and economic developments in the energy sector and attracts the support of many big energy companies.
Update 18 November 2015: You can also read about 15 other energy/ climate/ environment-related revolving door stories in our November 2015 report: Brussels, big energy, and revolving doors: a hothouse for climate change.
"CEO considers that Mr Werring should have been subject to a full cooling off period or ban for 2 years, to adequately tackle the risk of conflicts of interest".