Dutch legal requirements for CEO’s charitable status
CEO is a foundation under Dutch law. The registration number in the Netherlands at the Chamber of Commerce is 33298822. Corporate Europe Observatory is recognised by the Dutch tax office as a charitable institution (ANBI) under fiscal number 806634558.
Corporate Europe Observatory is registered in the EU lobby transparency register under identification number 5353162366-85.
The members of the legal board (‘stichtingsbestuur’) are Analía Penchaszadeh (president), Ann Doherty (treasurer), Brid Brennan (secretary). They do not receive any remuneration.
The foundation’s legal address in the Netherlands is: Vismarkt 15, 6511VJ Nijmegen.
The main office is in Belgium and its address is: Rue d’Edimbourg 26, 1050 Brussels.
Aims and objectives
According to the articles 4.1 and 4.2 of CEO’s statutes, the foundation’s non-profit objective is to increase general knowledge about the political and economic influence of transnational companies and financial institutions, and to formulate alternatives and policy proposals to limit these influences in order to contribute to a more democratic and socially and economically just society. The foundation is primarily focussed on the situation in Europe and on activities by transnational companies and financial institutions whose home base is in Europe.
Policy plan
Through an ambitious work programme of research, outreach and campaigning in the next years, Corporate Europe Observatory will raise awareness and build political pressure for the EU institutions to embrace effective lobby transparency, stricter ethics rules and other reforms to boost democratic accountability. We will publish a large number of reports, articles, blogs and other publications that throw light on the role of lobbying in EU-decision-making. Combined with effective (social) media outreach to ensure our work reaches a large audience, this will result in significant awareness-raising among European citizens as well as strong political pressure for transparency and ethics reforms at the EU institutions.
Salary policy
We pay moderate salaries and their scales are based on the dutch collective labour agreement for the welfare sector. The average salary including pension and social insurances for one full time equivalent is E 43.476 per year. The range of salaries is a ratio of 1 : 1,53 (recalculated to full time and excluding interns).
Activity report
please find the report of the previous year here.
Financial report
please find the report of the previous year here.