Commission President von der Leyen and Mario Draghi at the presentation of the Draghi report.

16 steps towards deregulation

A guide to how the new Commission’s deregulation tools can undermine the public interest

In December a new Commission will take office. Under the slogan of ‘competitiveness’, they will see it as their main task to reduce the ‘regulatory burden’, ‘cut red tape’, and remove ‘obsolete’ rules and laws. To some, that may sound appealing. After all, who wants meaningless bureaucracy? Unfortunately, what they are gearing up for is much more than that. This single-minded deregulatory quest will hack away at public interest rules ­– from social rights to the environmental protections – that corporations decide are too ‘inhibiting’.

At this point, there are few details. What we have is a daunting collection of initiatives the new Commission will take. In this guide we list 16 different ways the deregulation campaign will unfold. 

 Download the guide here. Note that on 29 January we launched an updated version of the guide. The 17 steps towards deregulation is available below. 

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