The European Week of Action 15-25 May: Solidarity beyond borders

The week before the elections for the European Parliament, a multitude of citizens and social movements will unite in resistance against the neoliberal policies of austerity and privatisation pushed by the Troika (the European Commission, International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank) and all complicit governments. The European Week of Action – starting on the symbolic date of the 15 May – the fourth anniversary of the 15M movement in Spain – calls instead for real democracy from below, refusing to accept the attempts by corporate Europe and our politicians to rehabilitate neoliberalism on the backs of employees as well as unemployed, retirees, migrants and the youth. The common message: “We don’t owe, we won’t pay!”

New transnational movements are being formed to combat this drive and participants in the European Week of Action include social movement activists, altermondialists, migrants, precarious and industry workers, party members and unionists and many more, who want to connect their struggles and powers beyond nation-state lines.

CEO supports the European Week of Action by co-organising two events in Brussels.

Surround the European Business Summit

On the early morning of the 15th of May, the Week of Action will be kicked off by surrounding the building where the European Business Summit takes place. The European Business Summit, organised by BusinessEurope (an influential lobby group that represents industry federations from 35 different countries), brings together representatives of big business (Nestlé, Intel, Citigroup, Exxon Mobil) and our political leaders such as José Manuel Barroso, Karel De Gucht, Michel Barnier and Guy Verhofstadt. The organisers of this great lobbying jamboree have stated their goal: to influence European leaders a few days before the elections.

The ‘Transatlantic Partnership’ (TTIP) will be at the heart of the debate. Negotiated away from democratic scrutiny, refusing to meet those who oppose it, Karel de Gucht’s ears are open exclusively to big business, who see this treaty as an unmissable opportunity to increase their power within the EU.

But we won't let them!

Time: 8am -12am
Place: Palais d'Egmont, Brussels

More info:

EU crisis policies put on trial

In the afternoon of the 15th and on the 16th of May, CEO, TNI and Transform!, with the support of several other organisations and networks, are organising a People's Tribunal on EU Economic Governance and the Troika.
The Tribunal aims to analyse and expose the EU policy measures taken in response to the crisis, by presenting the social consequences of these measures in countries all over Europe; it will form a highlight in the resistance against the EU economic governance regime developed during the European crisis, which is regarded as unjust, undemocratic and a failure in terms of crisis management.

The Tribunal will bring together a dozen witnesses from different European countries in the South, West and East of Europe. They will share their stories in testimonies, in which they set out the social consequences of the EU's crisis policies related to an issue specific to their own country: for example, house evictions in Spain, precarious work in Germany and privatisations in Greece.

The testimonies of the witnesses will be complemented by analyses of the broader European context in relation to the EU's crisis policies, and a conclusion will be provided in the form of a verdict, presented as a synthesis of what has been said in the presentations by the witnesses and the rapporteurs.

Dates: 15 May - 16 May
Place: Rue Pletinckx 19, Brussels

More info:


To cover the costs of these actions, as well as other investigative work and outreach activities, CEO  has launched a call for donations. We welcome your contributions, however big or small. Thank you for being a part of this struggle.

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