CEO’s most popular 2016 publications

What happened to the reform of the EU Emissions Trading System, the Glyphosate saga, the lobby battles fought over public health rules on sugar and cancer-causing substances in the workplace, the Monsanto Tribunal and the many scandalous revolving door moves of former Commissioners - in particular ex-President Barroso’s? 

Join us for a look at our most popular 2016 content below, and browse our most recent publications!

Lobby wars

The food and drink lobby is winning the fight over EU sugar regulation. As Corporate Europe Observatory's report “A spoonful of sugar” illustrates, existing laws are being undermined and much-needed measures fought off that are vital for tackling Europe’s looming health crisis.

Neoliberal trade deals 2016

The favoured approach of the EU to ensure laws are similar on both sides of the Atlantic is exactly the kind of “regulatory cooperation” that has already resulted in lower standards. How transatlantic regulatory cooperation will allow bureaucrats and big business to attack the public interest: our report on a Dangerous Regulatory Duet

An unprecedented Europe-wide controversy over the democratic threat posed byinvestor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) led to last autumn’s rebranding of ISDS as an “Investment Court System” ICS in an attempt to get around the enormous public opposition to legal privileges for multinational corporations. Now rebranded as ICS, rights for corporations to sue states refuse to die: our report on "The zombie ISDS"

Corporations vs. public health

Corporations like Monsanto have vast resources to buy political power through lobbying. Not only are they represented by numerous lobbying associations at every level from local to global, they also have an army of hired-gun lobbyists, they fund scientists to act as their mouthpieces and they participate in ‘greenwashing’ projects. Here’s our overview of their strategies: Monsanto lobbying - an attack on us, our planet and democracy