Video: TTIP - how big polluters hijack the world's climate future
Watch how corporations are using TTIP to promote their climate-trashing agenda. A joint project of Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and SumOfUs.
More information: Dirty hands on dirty deals http://corporateeurope.org/environment/2015/10/dirty-hands-dirty-deals
End it now
Multinational company is caught out cheating(fraud) on emission values, the solution, change the law to make it go away.....?
As this is widespread, are the company directors not liable to be charged with fraud in any of the countries affected?
Those arguing for a weakening of the cap should be ashamed. And anyone who drives a fossil fuel powered car around our streets is literally driving round in a giant motorised scythe, slaying our unborn children and grandchildren with every mile they travel, spewing CO2 directly onto their innocent lungs.
Green Regards,
I have never quite understood how to reduce pollution by buying CO2 quotas. I Denmark is a big trend in being a CO2 neutral website by buying a quota, it just does not matter.
Best Regards
Tim Petersson