A new study analyses the EU-Canada trade deal CETA
Canadian and European civil society experts shed light on the most controversial aspects of the agreement.
CETA is a sweeping trade deal restricting public policy options in areas as diverse as intellectual property rights, government procurement, food safety, financial regulation, the temporary movement of workers, domestic regulation and public services, to name just a few of the topics explored in this analysis.
This follow-up to the 2014 report, Making Sense of CETA, assesses the final text of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement as released in February 2016. The dozen or so European and Canadian contributors herein look at how CETA would, if ratified, have far-reaching and problematic impacts on public services, domestic regulation, intellectual property rights, and government measures implemented to address climate change or improve food security. A chapter on investment protection in CETA challenges claims a proposed "investment court system" sufficiently addresses concerns about the anti-democratic nature of investor-state dispute settlement. A final chapter on the lengthy ratification processes in Europe and Canada suggests CETA will be the subject of intense public debate, especially in Europe, for some time to come.
How do we allow the media in UK, DK and Holland to stop all protests against ISDS and all support for Wallonia? By saying its signed! Not a word about the lengthy ratification by parlaiment and EU members; how can this be possible? Why is there not any debate, its like a fascist state media censure. Democracy is based on information and debate. Not even on fb is there any links to what is actually happening, I can't find any? Are we already reduced to serfs that will from now on not be told about how the corporations are planning their take-over, actually, judging from the media it has already taken place. No protest wil be allowed or reported, indeed to say the deal is done is genius, why protest then?