Shine a spotlight on secret lobbying

ALTER-EU has launched a new urgent action: shine a spotlight on the lobby capital of Europe by demanding full EU lobby transparency now. Join ALTER-EU to demand that the 20,000 lobbyists in Brussels are properly regulated.

Lobbying works in Brussels, partly because it is able to operate in the shadows, and away from the glare of publicity. For every important decision made, corporate lobbyists are there: meeting officials, sitting on top-level advisory groups, wining and dining politicians, drafting amendments... and all too often, these tactics work. Internet firms weaken data privacy proposals, big banks avoid effective regulation and dirty cars continue to pollute our streets.

You can help ALTER-EU change this situation. Right now, the current (voluntary and ineffective) lobby register is being reviewed in a series of meetings between the Commission and MEPs. In November, they will finalise their views and it is vital that this unique opportunity to demand change is not lost.

Join ALTER-EU to demand that the 20,000 lobbyists in Brussels are properly regulated. Shine a spotlight on the lobby capital of Europe by demanding an ambitious and mandatory lobby register.

The petition is available in English, German, French and Spanish.

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