Managing media (files)

While editing content on the website you will also have to do with media files (images, videos, documents - not the media coverage node type!). You will upload and use, maybe replace or delete files. To do this in the proper way there is a media module in Drupal.

You will use media files in several ways on the website:

  • adding an image within the text with media button in the wysiwyg toolbar,
  • as a separate field (Main Image, Resources, Publication as pdf...).

When you click to add media, you will always see the same dialog, where you can

  • Upload: choose to upload a file from your local machine, 
  • Web: insert a URL of an image hosted elsewhere (note that if an image gets deleted remotely it will not be available anymore on our website either)
  • Library: browse the media files that are already managed on our website.

If you need a file that is in the library, but not yet available in the location you need it, there is no need to upload the file again. You can just browse the library and insert the file without re-uploading and so creating a file called file_0.pdf, file_777.pdf and so on.

Replacing media

Selecting "Content" from the "Administration" menu, you see a tab Media. There you will find a list of all managed media. If you want to replace a file, you can click on the name, then click the 'edit' tab and upload the new file.

Deleting media

Media can be deleted too, but there is a protection in that if a media file is used in a field it will be impossible to do and you should get a warning that 'this file is used'. Images used inline in the text have no such protection and can be deleted 'accidentally'.