Who is the Death Star of corporate lobbying?
Dear friends,
There is one organisation that stands undefeated in the podium of lobbying. One organisation with a small army of between 215 and 380 lobbyists and that has by far the most meetings with European Commissioners and their top officials - more than a meeting every week.
One organisation that has an annual get-together with the European Commission’s VIPs, including President Von Der Leyen. The same organisation that gets to “discuss priorities” with key ministers when a new government takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, which happens every six months. Their name? BusinessEurope, or, the organisation of European employers.
In our new profile of BusinessEurope, we show why they are the Death Star of corporate lobbying, a coordination centre and a pool of resources determined to see the EU adopt policies that defend profits over people and the planet. We stand amidst a climate crisis and a social crisis, and to face it, it is time to rid BusinessEurope of its status as a red-carpet lobbyist. Share our publication and help us make sure their name and influence becomes known.
Will the EU put an oil man in charge?
Speaking of the climate crisis, over 100,000 people have signed our petition to say Wopke Hoekstra is unfit to lead the EU as a Climate Commissioner. Hoekstra, a former Shell employee with a track record of putting profit ahead of the planet will be subjected to a parliamentary hearing this week.
Join us as we call for the EU to have a real climate leader! Share the petition to make our voice grow even stronger as we say #NoToHoekstra4Climate, we need #Fossilfreepolitics and you can also email your MEP to take action in the European Parliament hearing next week and listen to the voice of people over profit.
Want to know more? Watch this video with youth activists across Europe.
In solidarity,
The CEO Comms Team
- Kat, Joana, and Sarah