Stop the EU attack on social rights

New rules that could mean cuts to social expenditure, wages and workers' rights are currently being debated in the EU. If the proposals go ahead, decisions about such cuts could be made without public debate or discussion. Cuts would simply be imposed by EU technocrats. Such a decision undermines the very principles of democracy and threatens workers' rights and the welfare state.

This has to be stopped!

Corporate Europe Observatory has joined the ATTAC-Europe Network to help people write MEPs to ask them to help stop the proposals by rejecting them at an upcoming plenary vote in the European Parliament, set to take place on the 8th of June.

Please visit

Read Corporate Europe Observatory’s article on the issue:

An undemocratic economic governance
On the position of the majority in the European Parliament.

Next step for the Europact
On the business lobby organisation, the Europact and on the future of collective bargaining under the proposed new rules.

Business against Europe - On business lobby organisation BusinessEurope and its ability to influence the Europact and the proposals on economic governance.

Corporate EUtopia –  How new economic governance measure challenge democracy
Overall analysis of the significance of the proposed reforms of economic governance and on how they accommodate demands from the business community.

Barroso's silent revolution
- On the powers of the Commission under the proposed rules on economic governance

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