Cañete takes European fossil fuel interests to Marrakech climate summit

New analysis of lobby meetings shows that EU Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and his colleague Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for the Energy Union, have overwhelmingly met with corporate lobbyists rather than public interest groups. The analysis, which coincides with the officials’ two-year anniversary in office and the ongoing UN climate talks in Marrakech (COP 22), reveals their particularly close relationship to lobbyists representing the fossil fuel industry.

Cooking the planet since 2014; EU climate policy; corporate capture; Cañete; Šefčovič
New analysis of lobby meetings shows that EU Climate Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and his colleague Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for the Energy Union, have overwhelmingly met with corporate lobbyists rather than public interest groups.

Cañete climate hero? EU climate policy; COP22; corporate capture; lobby; false solutions
Commissioner Cañete refuses to tackle the severe conflict of interest created when companies making enormous profits while causing climate change are also shaping policies to tackle it.

Not-so-natural-gas; provileged access; Cañete; Šefčovič; EU climate policy; corporate lobby
Each of the top ten industry lobbyists who met Cañete and Šefčovič is linked to the gas industry, so it’s no surprise to see the Commission pushing ahead with yet more gas infrastructure.
  • Data on the meetings is publicly available on the European Commission website, and has been combined with data from the publicly-available transparency register to identify interests. Extra labels on industry sector and fossil fuel interests were provided by Corporate Europe Observatory.
  • Lobby spending figures are taken from the EU transparency register, and are based on the last two years of declarations by the companies themselves. Source:

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