Who we are

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making.


Our team

Kat Ainger

Belén Balanyá

Belén Balanyá

Researcher and campaigner

Work areas: Climate, Energy, Environment

Vicky Cann

Vicky Cann

Researcher and campaigner

Work areas: Lobbying the EU, Chemicals policy, Environmental justice
0044 7960 988096

Kenneth Haar

Kenneth Haar

Researcher and campaigner

Work areas: Economic and social justice, democracy
0045 2360 0631

Olivier Hoedeman

Olivier Hoedeman

Research and campaign coordinator

Work areas: Lobbying the EU
0032 4 74486545

Nina Holland

Nina Holland

 Out of office until January 2025

Researcher and campaigner 

Work areas: Agribusiness, GMOs, Lobbying the EU, EFSA

Kees Kimman

Kees Kimman

Finance manager

0031 63830 4731

Karin Lotz

Karin Lotz

Office & HR Manager


Pascoe Sabido

Pascoe Sabido

Researcher and campaigner

Work areas: Lobbying the EU, Expert groups, Climate, Energy, Environment

Hans van Scharen

Hans van Scharen

Researcher and campaigner

Work areas: Agribusiness & Food, Pesticides, GMOs, Lobbying the EU
0032 484 729776

Joana Louçã

Joana Louçã

Communications Officer


Bram Vranken

Bram Vranken

Researcher and campaigner

Work areas: Big Tech, economic and social justice

Photo of Marcella Via

Marcella Via

Press Officer

+39 348 420 1435

Rik Willemen

Rik Willemen


Our board

CEO's board consists of three members:

Pratap Chatterjee (India/US)

Brid Brennan (The Netherlands/Ireland)

Saskia Ozinga (Belgium)

Our advisory council includes the board members as well as:

Jakub Patočka (Czech Republic)

Thomas Wallgren (Finland)

Emma Avilés (Spain)

Lisa Mittendrein (Austria)

Our statutes

The statutes for Corporate Europe Observatory can be found here.

Our annual report

Take a look at our research and campaigning highlights from last year, and discover some of the great coverage of our work in our 2023 annual report. You can also take a look at our annual reports from  2022 and 2021.


Who funds us?

Corporate Europe Observatory receives donations from individual supporters as well as grants from a number of trusts and grant-making foundations. Our funding policy rejects funding from EU institutions and corporations in order to maintain the independence of our research. You can access our CEO accounts 2008-2023 here. Currently the following trusts and foundations are supporting us financially. This table will be updated accordingly.

Name of foundation

Mission statement

CEO activities funded

Current Financial year 2024

Isvara Foundation

The Isvara Foundation was established in 2007 and is fully funded by a donation from founder Ayman Jallad. It is "a progressive trust that awards grants to civil society organisations working to halt the unsustainable and socially destructive neo-liberal policies that characterize the currently dominant process of corporate-led globalisation."

Investigating corporate influence & strengthening EU lobbying regulation


Adessium Foundation

“Adessium Foundation was established in 2005 by the Van Vliet family, which has a background in asset management.” “The Foundation works to achieve a balanced society characterized by integrity, a balance between people and nature, and social harmony.“

Investigating corporate influence & strengthening EU lobbying regulation


This is part of a 3-year grant, with a total of €420,000 for 2023-26

Open Society Initiative for Europe

The Open Society Foundations were set up in 1979 by George Soros. “The Open Society Initiative for Europe aims to contribute to more vibrant and legitimate democracies in the European Union by supporting the activists and civil society organizations confronting Europe’s many challenges.”

Investigating corporate influence & strengthening EU lobbying regulation


Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet.

Investigating corporate influence (EU food and agriculture policies) 
& strengthening EU lobbying regulation


OAK Foundation

"Oak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global, social, and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged. Through our grant-making, we support others to make the world a safer, fairer, and more sustainable place to live"

Environmental Justice Campaign

€45,000 (applied for)

Fondation pour le progrès de l'Homme

“The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (fph) is a foundation under Swiss law. Our aim is to contribute to the emergence of a global community. Our work focuses on governance, ethics and sustainable living modes.”

Investigating corporate influence & strengthening EU lobbying regulation


European Climate Foundation

The European Climate Foundation is dedicated to responding to the global climate crisis by creating a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions society.

Investigating corporate influence (EU climate and energy policies), & strengthening EU lobbying regulation



"Tides is a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator dedicated to building a world of shared prosperity and social justice."

Investigating corporate influence (EU food and agriculture and chemicals policy), & strengthening EU lobbying regulation


Energy Transition Fund

Energy Transition Fund (ETF) is a funder collaborative that supports international strategies to create the conditions for a just and equitable energy transition, in line with the Paris climate limits. ETF supports civil society organizations working at the regional and global level to secure a just and equitable transition.

EU climate and energy policies


Olin gGmbH

(not to be confused with the now 
defunct John M Olin Foundation)

Olin gGmbH “is committed to the protection of natural habitats. The focus of Olin is the temporary support of smaller organizations and projects.” “Olin gGmbH was founded in May 2012 by Alexander Szlovák. It receives its financial resources from his private foundation.”

Investigating corporate influence (EU food and agriculture policies) 
& strengthening EU lobbying regulation



Reset provides "grants and contracts while working alongside partners with a shared policy, technology, and advocacy agenda in countries with immediate opportunities for change. Our goal is to stop Big Tech companies from profiting off public harm by resetting the rules for online media. Every other major industry – from automotive to pharmaceutical, telecommunications to banking – must follow rules that protect the public interest. Tech giants should be no different.

Investigating corporate influence & strengthening EU lobbying regulation


TOP Fund

CS Fund seeks to create an equitable democracy, achieve a just transition to a regenerative economy and food system, and mitigate climate chaos.

Agribusiness Campaign


Polden Puckham Charitable Foundation

The Polden Puckham Charitable Foundation (PPCF) is a grant-giving trust with Quaker family roots. Their assets have been given to the Foundation by some family members and the capital originated from (formerly) Quaker owned businesses. PPCF's priority is "to address systemic threats by seeking to change policy and attitudes at a national, European or international level

Fossil Free Politics Campaign


Sigrid Rausing Trust


The Sigrid Rausing Trust supports human rights and the rule of law, particularly in repressive or transitional societies. They support work defending minorities and marginalised people in hostile environments. We take a particular interest in combatting gender-based violence and discrimination against women. Finally, they also fund conservation initiatives, advocacy on toxics and pollution, and work on corruption.

Environmental Justice

£120,000 in 2024 (part of a 2-year Grant, £340,000 GBP in total)

David and Lucy Packard Foundation

The David and Lucy Packard Foundation envidion a just and 
equitable world where people and nature flourish. They work with people and communities to create enduring solutions for just societies and a healthy, resilient natural world.

Economic and Climate Justice


Total grant funding in 2023

€980,178 (secured)