Pesticide reduction under threat. Take action now!
Fate of new law (SUR) decided in next few weeks
After the massive fight over the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) it is now the long standing Green Deal promise to slash the use of pesticides that is under severe attack from the pesticide industry and its political allies. To add insult to injury, the EU may even decide to allow 10 more years of the most sold weedkiller glyphosate (Roundup)! It's time to take action!
However, over 1 million European citizens demand an end to pesticides in the 'Save Bees and Farmers' initiative. Pesticide use needs to go down drastically to stop biodiversity decline.
Take action now. It's really important. Use the tool to tell members of the European Parliament to put citizens' and farmers' health and biodiversity above the interests of the pesticide industry.
This tool makes it easy to write to decision makers from your country. We give a suggestion (refresh page for another one). Add your own words and send the message.
Also: if you happen to be in Brussels on 8 November, there is a Good Food Good Farming protest.
This protest gives the message that the European Commission is not living up to its promises, and calling for urgent action to fix our food system. The call will be extended to the new post-election EU Parliament: we need to see good food and farming on the political agenda!
In solidarity,
Nina, Vicky, and João