The EU Single Market at 30: How corporate complaints are blocking progressive change
Dear friends,
We’ve just published a new report on the occasion of the 30th year of the EU’s Single Market, where we expose how corporate interests use little-known Single Market enforcement mechanisms to block or undermine progressive legislation at the national and municipal level. You can read our report here, also listen to our brand new podcast about it or play our “EU Single Market at 30” board game!
Through a series of case studies, we show how corporations have managed to obstruct social housing measures, progressive healthcare reforms, protection from harmful substances as well as bans on short-distance flights. In almost all cases, corporate interests were either able to push for further deregulation, or stop, delay or weaken progressive legislation that harms their profits.
And in other but no less important news: we need your help. Over 1 million European citizens have demanded an end to pesticides in the 'Save Bees and Farmers' initiative, as pesticide use needs to drop drastically to stop biodiversity decline.
However, the two proposals for new EU laws - the pesticide reduction law SUR and the Nature Restoration Law - are heavily under attack by conservative parties and industry. Take action now: use this link to write to members of the EU Parliament and show your support for more ambitious plans. Thank you!
In solidarity,
The CEO Comms Team
- Kat, Joana, and Sarah