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  1. Biotech lobby's fingerprints over new EU proposal to allow national GMO bans

    … lobby's fingerprints over new EU proposal to allow national GMO bans … new EU proposal to allow national GMO bans Thursday, June 5, 2014 - …

    1 comment

  2. Exposed: How biotech giants use patents and new GMOs to control the future of food

    … Exposed: How biotech giants use patents and new GMOs to control the future of food …

  3. PRRI: are these public researchers?

    PRRI: are these public researchers? 18.06.2008 The UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) biosafety negotiations have been the…

  4. EFSA Chair Moves to Food Industry Lobby Group

    EFSA Chair Moves to Food Industry Lobby Group 09.05.2012 Brussels, 9 May 2012 – Campaigners today condemned the latest revolving doors…

  5. The EU's agrofuel folly

    The EU's agrofuel folly 04.06.2007 Despite growing public concern about the risks associated to agrofuels, the European Union (EU) is…

  6. Conflicts of Interest at the European Food Safety Authority: Enough is enough!

    Conflicts of Interest at the European Food Safety Authority: Enough is enough! 02…

  7. EU Ombudsman: EFSA fails on conflict of interests

    EU Ombudsman: EFSA fails on conflict of interests 29.05.2013 …

  8. EU Commission proposes to deregulate new GMOs in spectacular submission to the biotech industry.

    … EU Commission proposes to deregulate new GMOs in spectacular submission to the biotech industry. … an irresponsible and disastrous proposal to deregulate New GMOs. This deregulation will increase risks for the …

  9. TTIP – Un paraíso para los lobbies corporativos

    … TTIP EU GMO regulations Friday, July 24, …

  10. Green Deal or EU-US Trade Deal?

    Green Deal or EU-US Trade Deal? EU Watchdog Radio: Episode 2 …