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  1. EU civil society says "It's time to prioritise needs of people and the environment"

    EU civil society says "It's time to prioritise needs of people and the environment" 120 organisations sign letter to EU and member state leaders …

  2. Chemical romance: how politicians fell for BASF

    Chemical romance: how politicians fell for BASF 15.03.2023 …

  3. Coronawash alert!

    Coronawash alert! How corporate lobbyists are cynically exploiting the pandemic …

  4. A fast track to weaker food standards

    A fast track to weaker food standards 19.03.2020 Will…

  5. Brussels, big energy, and revolving doors: a hothouse for climate change

    Brussels, big energy, and revolving doors: a hothouse for climate change 19.11…

  6. Toxic lobbying: the titanium dioxide label debate continues

    Toxic lobbying: the titanium dioxide label debate continues 01.07.2019 …

  7. Amazon's lobbying satellites orbit EU policy-makers

    Amazon's lobbying satellites orbit EU policy-makers 24.11.2023 …

  8. Tobacco lobbyists all fired up ahead of key vote

    … the dishonourable Mr. Murphy (shame to be an Irishman) as 'plastic grass roots'! We are REAL! We are MANY! And we are …